Carol Bass

a continuous flow of feelings and color, inspired by the beauty around us

“LOWES” poem


Early Friday Morning
in front of the Lowes landing dock
glistening sun reflecting off pick up windows and bumpers
men loading 2 x 4's
like dancers in a broadway play
no yelling or shooting bullets
just a deep peaceful intent of the work ahead
beautiful humans
black white mexicans 
I wanted to hug them all for the goodness and hope
of lives they were living 
on a bright day
Friday before Thanksgiving 







tanager shares suet with downy
hummingbirds flit in gurgling water
while catbirds splash and bath
buntings linger at the feeder,   
chickadees fly away 
titmice stay hammering their seeds on a metal hoop
cardinals click
blackbirds visit
up and down nuthatch on nearby oaks
waddling doves peck
bluebirds flaunt while flycatchers serenade
kites snatch dragonflies
osprey dives
wood storks soar like the Concorde
all colors every kind of bird you can dream up 
soaring, fishing, playing, eating, chirping

trip to Myanmar


today I took my pleasure and wandered...
wandered slowly 
through temples of Bagan, Myanmar
vast   hot   dry 
toast crisp air, like Arizona 
breathing deeply eased my mind, kept my heart in my chest
butterflies, crawling bugs, same as home 
passing through wars, between peace and unrest
meeting people of the ages, all yearning for freedom

one temple
 to another 
ancient rough rock surfaces
feel your fingertips touching the others ?
builder companions
buddhists companions
women warriors, slaves, lovers 
I was born there one day
     meditating was easy


so many squirrels



squirrels are not liked by many
but one that napped
after lunch on a certain branch
took my heart

smaller limbs grew on either side of the branch
propping up his head and tail
securing his space
perfect for sleeping, not falling

all the hot summer, each day, after eating and playing
that squirrel napped 
many times longer than me
on that same branch

resting his soul
feeling secure
breathing and dreaming the world
pumping more love in my heart




the thing about an epiphany

you're most always alone
no one to squeal with and jump up and down 
hoping to remember this sparkling moment when your body shuddered
and the truth of the world, pierced your heart
a chartreuse green worm
crawled around the computer screen
as the wind howled
and the green leaves danced with three million points of sun

you knew then, as always
what it's all about
a green worm in the summer air




post 232: my friend, good-bye, adios, forever


Au revoir mon ami

we lived in neighboring
seaside towns where endless winters
turned into summer days
gi gong classes, art exhibits,
astonished I am
from different cultures we bumped
into bees into gardens into honey into children into stories
into grace and goodness
you helped me with love
guided me through tangled vines and briars
returning to childhood
we squeezed open a rusty, squeaking wolf’s trap
met everyone again with open hearts

you told me you’d live forever
now, you say you are dying
oh, but I see how this works
the stories…
how honey lives
your footsteps sounds on the stairs
lit beeswax candles on your tree
the care, like a shawl, you covered me with

you’re released now, your turn
for some exploring
your stories rolling through time
you can whiz past stars
fly through black holes

Find a Place Outside


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and have your miracle
a place only you and God know
don't wait

you just noticed your breath
and felt it mix with the breeze
so right now is perfect
go be with God



for my daughter who runs



so I found a dirt road 
that you'll love
quiet, with shadows drawing lines back and forth
early morn or late afternoon with the sun warm and gentle
you choose a time 
I'll drive you there

across the marsh 
green herons perch on the old man's dock
a creek, parallel to this road
flows high and low with the tide, 
and waits to run with you


touching God


sunny day before Thanksgiving
a new baby, a new dog, an old dressing recipe 

old men firing up a line of grills 
near the Miracle Temple of the Apostolic Faith 
sandpipers scooting over marsh mudlfats
an entire morning resetting passwords

recent hurricane waves rearranged the beach
hurling sand from ancient worlds right into our laps
mixing mysteries with plates as we arrange them over green placemats
our bodies bump around the table, lighting candles
through clouds of God

nutritional list for spirit