post 267: giant woman, magnolia tree, seed pods

by Carol Bass

photo (19)

how the day began

with imaginings
me being a giant, tree-sized woman
exploring thick woods outside the studio
cool misty rain
I was searching for a brush
large enough to paint the depths of my spirit
the twirling energies in my mind
big enough to capture my heart and its singing

I found a glistening magnolia, covered in pods
heavy with fire engine red seeds
rain dripped from leathery leaves
falling on my bare shoulders
gatheing into a pool in my navel
still being a giant, I considered snapping the tree
halfway down to use for dipping in a vat of paint

my soul cried, “no!
so the limbs and I embraced
I returned to the studio
shrinking to a calmer size
and had a cup of tea